Let RED’S get your tough projects DONE!
Property Maintenance
If your property needs cleaned up, Reds can handle it. Reds can handle your spring cleanup, brush clearing, and food plots. We are ready and able to maintain your property for you.
The price for this work varies depending on the equipment needed for the job.
Stump Grinding
Reds can handle any stump removal project on your property. Let Reds take care of them, so you never have to think of them again.
The average price for stump removal is $5 per inch with a $150 minimum charge.
If Reds needs to shorten the stump by cutting it closer to the ground prior to grinding, then there is a one additional charge of $60.
Gravel Work
Reds can get the materials to your location and install your new driveway or freshen up your current driveway. We also put in gravel pads for trailers or out building and can install trail systems on your property.
The price for this work is $125 per hour for a tractor, operator and implement. Call for your free quote today!
Dump Truck
Reds can handle transporting sand, gravel, dirt, or other materials for your property maintenance projects.
The price for material hauling with the dump truck is $125 per hour. Call for your free quote today! Contractor pricing is available.